Home Сети и Системы Vardnili HPP - 2, 3 and 4

E ISSN 1987 - 8257

Vardnili HPP - 2, 3 and 4 Печать E-mail
28.01.2010 12:26

Vardnili HPP - 2, 3 and 4 are uniform diversion type hydro electric power plants of identical capacity and output, located on Enguri HPP water drainage channel. They are located in 5.5 km, 10.1 km and 14.9 km respectively from Vardnili HPP 1. Each plant has its own waste canal and water dissipater well. Also 110/35 kV outdoor switchgear substation.


Installed capacity of each plant is 40 (2X20) MW, annual capacity 120 million kW/h. Vardnili 2 HPP  was put into operation in 1971, Vardnili 3 and 4 HPPs - in 1972.


The plants are located in Georgia - Abkhazeti conflict zone. At the moment they are sunk and their current conditions are not studied.


The plant is in a state possession. 

Обновлено 28.01.2010 12:26
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