Hydroenergetic Print
Saturday, 26 December 2015 04:37


G. Gigiberia

Based on the calculation methodology recognized by International Engineering Industry, hydraulic energy decreases in increasing the diameter under the environment of the turbulent flow developed in the water passages.

Opposite to this provision, as a result of the research run at Enguri Hydropower Plant (HPP)diversion tunnel in 2010-2013, it was clear, that in increasing the diameter the real values of the energy (head) loss significantly exceed the values defined under the official methodology.

The identified discrepancy should be explained both by the inadequacy of the assumptions accepted in theory and the data obtained as a result of limited laboratory means during estimating experimental coefficients included in the calculations.

To determine the real regularity with respect to the above, it is necessary to thoroughly research this issue which will allow to clarify the physical nature of the flow and to resolve this issue realistically. 

In order to achieve the goal, we believe it is reasonable to run large-scale research on a wide spectrum of water passage diameters by means of the field experiments which should be run with high accuracy measurement units. 

So, the results obtained based oh realistic base will unable to resolve number of hydropower issues in an optimal way.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 December 2015 05:30